London Exploration Day: Saatchi Gallery

by - 22:56

I've always wanted the opportunity to explore London but I never really got the chance to. With my friendship group in London, we always stick to the same area, and after a while it does get a bit boring and tedious. Especially if we are doing the same thing over and over again. My usual hangout spot has to be Chinatown, since my majority of my friendship group are Asian. We always end up back to the same place, which is Las Vegas Soho Arcade. I love the place, since it's great for gaming but being there constantly makes you realise there isn't much to do other than game...

So since my friend, Ernest happened to be returning from Loughborough university, he brought along a couple of friends and his brother, Marco and we decided to explore before we met up with everyone else for dinner. For this blog post edition, I'm going to be focusing on the first part of the day.

We ventured off to Saatchi Gallery located by Sloane Square tube station (found on the Circle (yellow) and Distict (green) line). I've been meaning to visit this place, as an Instagrammer myself, I've seen many of my friends and people I follow on my feed attend this gallery. I've been to a couple of galleries before such as the National Gallery (located by Trafalgar Square, Charing Cross).

The first thing I saw when I got into the gallery was this...

I wasn't really sure what was going on if I'm honest, I think Marco mentioned the leaves being laminated to form art - I'm not gonna lie, I'm not a very arty person so I think I made more jokey comments than serious ones...

For some pieces, I thought they were actually rather interesting, like this complex design reminded me of circuits... But then again circuits remind me of science... And I can't exactly say I'm too fond of science... Excuse me science people RIP.

But I think for some rooms that we visited, I was really confused because from suddenly going from a light to dark room, and then seeing the art pieces become illuminated, it was really cool but the art was a bit creepy. An example would be this...

Like just the comment above written on the table already creeped me out... Like if I'm honest, I ain't about this life... As you can see just from reading this you'll realise my true personality for these particular things. Although I'm not gonna lie, anyone who had white on their clothes e.g. white strips on trainers etc. Those strips were illuminated as soon as they stepped into the room, it was a cool discovery but only worked inside the room.

Another experience in a dark room, included this one piece. So, Marco and I sat in a room by ourselves staring at the wall - trust me, we were really confused at first. As we were about to get up and leave, we noticed images forming on the dark wall, in the form of an animated sketch, we returned back to our seats and watched the animations progress. Rather different to the other art pieces we saw throughout the gallery. Inspirational I say aha.

Moving onto the funnier creations, we all saw this and thought, forget magic carpet, carpet on wheels - wouldn't that be an interesting way to travel aha. I was thinking back to a parody I watched of Twilight, called Vampire Sucks. Yeah I'm not gonna lie, it was pretty lame, like instead of flying they rode segways (opps spoiler if you haven't seen it but there's many other things about the movie which are lame and funny too aha). This could probably be used for a parody of Aladdin...

Right... Onto the anime fans... So since One Punch Man has been trending for a while now, Marco decided to make a comment about One Punch Man whilst referring to this piece of art. One punch from this guy and it would probably end up like this... or worst... (But I'm yet to see the anime so I wouldn't know...but of course I understood the reference aha).

For this design, I actually really like the style, I was a Graphic student in secondary school so these kind of prints really interested me, and the way they were positioned were rather unique. Plus, each design was repeated so it was symmetrical in the design but the positioning was asymmetrical which is rather contradictory and ironic.

Also, as a Graphic Design student, or even if you're an Art student, you could probably relate to the whole shading situation. This piece of art with a roll of thread, and supposedly a ball of thread - I'm not even sure myself, the spherical piece, with the shadow accompanied with it just reminded me of Art class. The struggles of having to shade a shadow to accompany the actual object...

If I'm honest, as I continue writing about these pieces, I realise there's quite a lot of things which come to mind in each of these pieces, which I guess is the point. Art makes you think about things, whether it reminds you about something, emotions, a memory, it just goes to show... Although these aren't all pictures, I understand more about the idiom "A picture is worth a thousand words".

I feel like personally, a lot of the things which attracted me about the gallery was stuff which involved lights. Maybe the fact they were illuminated made them stand out from the other art pieces. But I'm really interested in night photography. This might explain my interest for these pieces, since night photography shows how landscapes and views differ when the lights are shining brightly in the darkness and creates a whole different perception to when we see it during the day.

The same applies for this art piece, although my friends and I couldn't help but laugh that although it was rather cool with the lights and the different colours for each design, it was just funny to realise they were all rice cookers. Being the typical Asians and our household ware, we joked about how much rice we could make with these rice cookers aha.

I feel like the one note I have to end on for this blog post, was this art piece with a bird wearing a crown. I can definitely define it as "inspirational". I couldn't help but laugh, it was so different from the rest, because it was so simplistic but looked rather majestic at the same time aha.

This blog post, I can't exactly say it was as informational as I originally thought, but you do can now understand a bit more of how I perceive things, although majority of my opinions seem rather ludicrous... Really says a lot about me really aha! 

PS: Since Marco strongly advised this to be added, I feel that everyone should acknowledge the fact, he was highly inspired by many things during our visit to Saatchi Gallery, even after leaving the building he became inspired by the blue skies, clouds, dogs and even a tree shaped like a cube...

I do hope you enjoyed my blog post about Saatchi Gallery, if you do have a chance, do go and visit, since there's free entry and it's a great place to explore. Look out for my next London Exploration Day post, featuring Winter Wonderland! Thank you for reading!

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